Resources for Teachers and Parents

The Working Canine
Working dogs encompass those in the military, law enforcement, sentry, security, and search and rescue.
United States War Dogs Association
Supports military working dogs, handlers, and adopted families. Resource for locating war dog memorials and war dog history.
United States Department of Defense
“Four-Legged Fighters” – About 1,600 military working dogs help keep the nation safe. With missions spanning land, air and sea, get a glimpse at a few of them in action.
“Bomb Sniffing Dogs” by Karen Laughlin (AR level 3.5, pts .5)
“Hero Service Dogs” by Jennifer Boothroyd (AR level 4.1, pts .5)
“Military Dogs” by Francis Ruffin (AR level 4.9, pts .5)
“Search and Rescue Dogs” by Karen Laughlin (AR level 3.6, pts. .5)
“Warrior Dog: The True Story of a Navy Seal and his Fearless Canine
Partner” by Will Chesney and Joe Layden (AR Level 5.9/8.0 pts) The story
behind “Cairo” the military dog from the 2011 top secret mission in
“War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love” by Rebecca
Frankel (AR Level 7.4/10.0 pts) Younger audience edition that looks at
the bond between soldiers and dogs, the science behind dogs’ special
sensing abilities, and the wide range of tasks asked of war dogs.
“Gabe: The Dog Who Sniffs Out Danger” by Thea Feldman (AR Level 3.4/0.5
pts) Young reader book about Gabe, a bomb-sniffing Labrador Retriever
whose abilities earned him the 2012 American Humane Association Hero Dog
of the Year recognition. Related weblink article about Gabe:
“Soldiers and Dogs: 100 unique coloring in designs“ by Michelle Holthouse
“Soldiers and Dogs: Female dog handlers and their bonds with the dogs they work with” by Michelle Holthouse
Classroom Activities
How well do you know your Military Mascots – online quiz
Military Academy Mascots crossword puzzle
Stubby and Smoky coloring pages
Male Soldier and his dog: A coloring page by Michelle Holthouse
Female Soldier and her dog: A coloring page by Michelle Holthouse

The Service Canine
Service dogs are recognized as those that help us in therapy, with medical assistance, medical condition detection, and alerts. Learn more about these important dogs in this blog article: Types of Service Dogs and How They Benefit People with Disabilities
America’s Vet Dogs
Specializing in placing highly-skilled service and guide dogs to veterans, active-duty service members, and first responders with disabilities, with physical injuries, PTSD, hearing and vision loss, and seizures.
Assistance Dogs International
ADI is a coalition of nonprofit organizations that train and place Assistance Dogs with individuals with
disabilities to improve their quality of life with greater independence.
Guide Dog at Work
Educating the public on the role of guide dogs and how to enable them to stay focused on their work.
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind
In 1946, when the Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind was founded, its mission was simple: to provide guide dogs and training – free of charge – to people who were blind or visually impaired.
Guide Dogs of America
Based in Los Angeles, California, providing guide dogs for the blind/visually impaired, service dogs for veterans, children with autism, and facility dogs that work in classrooms, courthouses, and medical clinics.
K9s for Warriors
Determined to end veteran suicide, this program provides highly-trained Service Dogs to military veterans.
Seeing Eye
Providing and training Seeing Eye Dogs® since 1929
“Buddy: The First Seeing Eye Dog“, by Eva Moore (AR level 3.8, .5 pts)
Lesson plans geared for 1st through 3rd grade are available through:
“Guide Dogs” by Karen Laughlin (AR level 3.6, pts .5)
“Service Dogs” by Dale Jones (AR level 4.4, pts .5)
“Seizure Alert Dogs” by Karen Laughlin (AR level 3.8, pts .5)
“Therapy Dogs” by Karen Laughlin (AR level 3.0, pts .5)
Classroom Lessons:
Challenge your students to learn more about Service dogs with this information sheet and crossword puzzle. Click here.

The Equine
Horses, mules, and donkeys have played a critical part as workers – from carrying us, to carrying our gear and supplies. Did you know that “horse” in Greek is “hippo”?
American Hippotherapy Association
Provides resources for individuals interested in becoming a certified hippotherapist, or looking for a treatment location that specializes in hippotherapy.
The KU Natural History Museum is the home of Comanche, the horse ridden by Captain Myles Keogh at the Battle of Little Bighorn in 1876.
National Parks Sevice – Pony Express Trail
Use the interactive trail map to follow the Pony Express Trail across 8 states from Missouri to California. Lesson plans for middle school multi-day introduction to National Historical Trails.
National Parks Service – Stones River National Battlefield
Tennessee memorial to horses and mules from the Civil War – Heroes with Hooves.
National Pony Express Association
Historical information, a resource for monuments, lesson plans for 4th graders 5-day overview of the Pony Express, lesson plans for middle school introduction to National Parks Service Pony Express Trail.
Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship
PATH Intl. is a resource for certification of instructors and for the location of Equine Assisted Service practitioners.
Sergeant Reckless
The history of the remarkable mare that served the US Marines in the Korean War.
US Cavalry Association
Dedicated to the preservation of historical accounts of the US Cavalry, and actively promoting interest in the US Cavalry through presentations, re-enactments, and competitions.
“Horse Therapy: Changing Lives” by Michèle Dufrense (AR level 3.8, pts.5)
“Horses, Donkeys, and Mules in the Marines” by Meish Goldish (AR level 5.7, pts .5)
“Jubilee: The First Therapy Horse and an Olympic Dream” (AR level 4.8, pts .5)
“Pony Express!” by Steven Kroll (AR level 5.4, pts 5.0)
“San Domingo – the Medicine Hat Stallion” by Marguerite Henry (AR level 5.3, pts 8.0)
“Sgt. Reckless the War Horse: Korean War Hero” by Melissa Higgins (AR level 4.7, pts .5)
“Sgt. Reckless: America’s War Horse” by Robin Hutton – no AR level given
“The Mail Must Go Through: The Story of the Pony Express” by Margaret Rau (AR level 7.8, pts 5.0)
“The Pony Express” by Cynthia Mercati (AR level 3.2, pts 1.0)
“War Horse” by Michael Morpurgo (AR level 5.9, pts. 6.0)
“Therapy Horses” by Catherine Nichols (AR level 4.0, pts .5)
“Therapy Horses: Horses that Heal” by Loren Spiotta-DiMare (AR level 6.1, pts 1.0)

The Camelid
Camels and people have worked together for thousands of years. The camel can carry our gear and supplies, and carry us.
Website Resources
Camel facts from the San Diego Zoo General camel information from anatomy and adaptations to nutrition and family life.
Camels make for unusual and awesome therapy partners
An insightful article about camels used in the Green Chimneys Farm Education Program in New York.
Texas Camel Corps
Informative site managed by camel expert Doug Baum who leads camel tours in the US and overseas, and presents camel programs for schools, museums, and libraries.
The US Army Camel Experiment (6:22 min)
Camels were introduced to the US, their service in the military, and their contributions to developing the southwest US.
“Noble Brutes – Camels on the American Frontier“ by Eva Jolen Boyd – recommended 9th grade and up.
“The Last Camel Charge – The Untold Story of America’s Desert Military Experiment“ by Forrest Bryant Johnson – recommended 9th grade and up
“Unlikely Heroes – 37 inspiring stories of courage and heart from the Animal Kingdom“ by Jennifer S. Holland – chapter “The Compassionate Camel” – recommended 5th grade and up.
Classroom Lessons:
Camel facts: Crossword puzzle and lesson pages
Dromedary Camel coloring page.
Bactrian Camel coloring page.

The Marine Mammal
Dolphins, sea lions work closely with the Navy from detecting mines, to retrieving lost equipment, and alerting to intruders swimming in restricted areas.
US Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific Marine Mammal Program
Overview of how the Navy has trained California sea lions, and Bottlenose Dolphins for recovery and detection missions. Walking tours at the San Diego facility may be scheduled through the website.
National Marine Mammal Foundation
Our team strives to foster the next generation of scientists and ocean ambassadors. As part of our commitment to education, we take our message of conservation and research to schools, organizations, and public events nationwide. Education workshops are available.
“Defender Dolphins – The Story of ‘Project Short Time’” by Harold W. Goforth -Not AR rated.
“Navy Dolphins” by Judith Janna Presnall (AR level 7.1, pts 1.0)

The Avian
Homing pigeons, canaries, and raptors (not velociraptors ) have worked with us in important and unusual ways.
Falconry – Our Majestic Mascots
Audiences across the country have been intrigued and delighted by the aerobatics of the falcon, the flying mascot of the U.S. Air Force Academy.
Smithsonian Institute
Smithsonian Institute website link to the exhibit of the heroic WWI homing pigeon, Cher Ami.
“He? She? Or just plain Cher Ami? Solving a century-old pigeon mystery”
Since Cher Ami first went on display, the pigeon’s sex has remained a source of debate.
What’s the difference?
A terrific article explains the differences between homing pigeons and carrier pigeons.
Hero Pigeons of World War I – pdf
World War I Canaries – pdf
“Carrier Pigeons” by Judith Janda Presnall (AR level 7.0, pts. 1.0)
“Cher Ami: WWI Homing Pigeon” by Joeming Dunn (AR level 4.7, pts .5)
“The Cold War Pigeon Patrols and Other Animal Spies” by Daniell Denega (AR level 6.0, pts 1.0)

Other Incredible Beasts
From cats to goldfish the bond between us and those who provide service to us is like no other.
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